#This allow you to enable/disable the assistant, if you disable it, it will not be loaded.
enabled: true
#This is the assistant id, it must be unique
id: "alex"
#This is the assistant name, it will be displayed in the assistant list
name: "Alex Square"
#This is the assistant tag, people can use this tag to talk to the assistant
tag: "@Alex"
#This is the assistant short-tag, people can use this tag to talk to the assistant
# Short tag can be a simplified version of the tag, for example, if the tag is "@Alex", the short-tag can be "@A"
# or it also might be a single symbol, for example, if the tag is "@Alex", the short-tag can be "*"
short-tag: "*"
#This is the assistant prefix, it will be displayed before the assistant name
prefix: "&6Alex&8: &f"
#Should the assistant execute the command or just suggest it?
#If false, the assistant will only suggest the command, if true, the assistant will execute the command
#IMPORTANT: The assistant will only suggest the command if the command is a player command, if it's a console command, it will always execute it.
should-auto-execute: true
#This is the assistant description, it will be displayed in the assistant list
description: "An assistant capable of guiding you in Minecraft."
# Enable if you're using conditionals inside the dataset.
# It will parse the dataset and replace the conditionals with the correct values on the fly, so might be
# a bit slower than the normal dataset.
use-advanced-dataset: true
#This is the message that will be displayed when we don't know how to help the user
not-found-message: "&cI'm sorry, I don't know how to help you with that."
#This is the sound that will be played when the user writes something
question-sound: "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING"
#This is the sound that will be played when the assistant answers
#This is the sound that will be played when the assistant doesn't know how to help the user
not-found-sound: "ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO"
#The maximum amount of interactions by default for this assistant
#The value can be overridden by the user and needs to follow the following format:
# <number> <unit> (e.g. 10 daily, 5 weekly, 2 monthly)
interactions: 10 daily
#This is the dataset, used to train the assistant
#The dataset is a list of intents, each intent has a "need" and a "suggestion"
#The "need" is what the user says, the "suggestion" or "how" is what the assistant should recommend.
##IMPORTANT: if you want to specify the command as a "console command" you need to change the "commandtype" to "console"
## GPTAssistant will later check that field to know how to execute the command. To pass the playerName to the command, use the %player% placeholder.
query: "go to the store or sell something"
action: "/warp shop"
actionType: "player"
purpose: "teleport directly to the store"
query: "return to spawn"
action: "/spawn"
actionType: "player"
purpose: "return to the initial spawn point"
query: "I need to heal"
action: "/heal"
actionType: "player"
purpose: "regain all your health"
query: "I am hungry"
action: "/feed"
actionType: "player"
purpose: "fill your hunger bar"
query: "I want to fly"
action: "/fly"
actionType: "player"
purpose: "enable flying mode"
query: "buy an iron sword"
action: "(%vault_eco_balance% >= 50) ? '/shop' : '/website'"
conditional: true
actionType: "player"
purpose: "(%vault_eco_balance% >= 50) ? 'you can buy it' : 'buy coins in our website'"
query: "custom enchatments"
action: "('%luckperms_primary_group_name%' === 'vip') ? '/enchant' : '/website'"
conditional: true
actionType: "player"
purpose: "('%luckperms_primary_group_name%' === 'vip') ? 'you can use it' : 'buy vip in our website'"
Last updated