
GPT Assistant introduces tailored placeholders for dynamic gameplay. Here's a concise overview of each variable:

Placeholder for assistant (%gptassistant_assistant_%) and for chatbot (%gptassistant_chatbot_%)

  • %gptassistant_assistant/chatbot_name%:

    • Description: Returns the name of the chatbot or assistant.

  • %gptassistant_assistant/chatbot_tag%:

    • Description: Gets the tag associated with the chatbot or assistant.

  • %gptassistant_assistant/chatbot_prefix%:

    • Description: The placeholder returns the prefix of the chatbot or assistant.

  • %gptassistant_assistant/chatbot_default_interactions%:

    • Description: These placeholders display the default interaction limits for the chatbot or assistant.

  • %gptassistant_assistant/chatbot_rem_interactions%:

    • Description: Retrieves the remaining interactions available for the chatbot or assistant.

  • %gptassistant_assistant/chatbot_my_limits%:

    • Description: Retrieves the interactions that the player have. (example: 10 daily)

Last updated