
In the config.yml file for GPTTalk, you'll find various parameters and options to customize the behavior of the plugin.

General Plugin Settings

prefix: This determines the prefix that appears in chat messages related to the plugin.

  • Default: &8[&6GPTTalk&8]&7

lang: Defines the language used by the plugin. This should match a corresponding language file in the "lang" folder.

  • Default: english

use-tags: Determines whether the tag system to initiate a conversation is enabled.

  • Default: true

tag-symbol: Sets the symbol used to commence a chat with the AI. Note: If using GPT Assistant, it utilizes the "@" symbol to tag the assistants.

  • Default: #

OpenAI Configuration

This section deals with the OpenAI integration and how the plugin communicates with the AI.


  • api-key: Insert your OpenAI API key here, acquired from your OpenAI account.

  • temperature: Regulates the AI's creativity. A higher value increases the creative nature of the responses.

    • Default: 0.7

  • max-tokens: Determines the maximum token count for AI answers. A larger number permits longer responses.

    • Default: 600

  • chat-mode: Pick between 'completion' and 'chat' mode. Both modes provide distinct functionalities and can influence the cost associated with the AI.

    • Default: chat

    Note: The "completion" mode is ideal for shorter replies and handles contexts better, though it might be more costly. In contrast, the "chat" mode is more appropriate for prolonged conversations but might sometimes produce irrelevant answers.

  • model: Indicates the AI model in use. It's imperative that the selected model is compatible with the chat mode.

    • Default: gpt-3.5-turbo-16k

    Suggested models:

    • For completion: text-davinci-003

    • For chat: gpt-3.5-turbo-16k

  • More models can be found on the OpenAI platform.

Command Exclusions

When engaging with the AI, there are specific commands targeting the player that can be executed. This segment allows administrators to dictate commands that the AI should avoid sending to players.

command-exclusion: A list detailing commands the AI cannot dispatch to a player during a chat. Remember, command specifications are case-sensitive.

  • Examples: tell, msg

Development Options

These advanced configurations are mostly for debugging or developmental purposes.


  • debug: Activates or deactivates the debug mode. If enabled, supplementary debug information is conveyed to the console, which might impede performance.

    • Default: false

Always ensure to backup your configurations before instigating any major amendments.

Last updated